Monday, July 28, 2008

24th Weekend

Brian & I went to Hebgen for the 24th weekend. When we stepped out of the truck upon arriving we were attacked by mosquitoes. We used a lot of repellent the rest of the weekend. After setting things up we went into West Yellowstone and made reservations for the play "Hello Dolly" for the next night. Friday morning we went fishing.

Fishing was slow but Brian caught 3 and kept one.
Friday night we went to dinner at Bullwinkles and then to the play. We loved the play and had a great night.
Saturday was another day of fishing. If we were in the boat the mosquitoes didn't bother us. That afternoon Brian tried fishing from the bank. It didn't take long until the mosquitoes found us. From the boat he caught several, from the bank he only had a few bites.

Sunday morning we packed up early and set out for home. We were glad we missed most of the traffic heading home from the weekend. Sunday evening the family came over to celebrate Brian's and Lizzy's Birthdays. We had fun visiting and watching the kids. Bryan and Tanner made us laugh when they were trying on Lizzy's dress-up clothes.

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